Author Guidelines

Nordic Early Childhood Educational Research (Nordisk barnehageforskning) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. We primarily publish scientific articles . In this overview, you will find information regarding our guidelines and procedures for the submission of manuscripts. We look forward to receiving your contribution!


  • It is free to submit and publish an article in the journal Nordic Early Childhood Educational Research.
  • Before you submit your manuscript, we ask you to read the guidelines closely. Articles that do not follow the formal requirements will be returned to the author.
  • The manuscript should not exceed 8000 words. This includes summaries, bibliography and any tables and figures. In addition, the author must submit a summary (brief) of a maximum of one page (see explanation below). This summary is in addition to the maximum length of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts may be written in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English. 
  • At the stage of submission, all articles must be thoroughly edited and proofread.
  • All authors must fulfil our criteria for authorship. Please see our list of criteria.


Manuscripts are submitted electronically via the journal’s electronic platform: Make a submission.

Submitted manuscripts must contain the following:

  • Title, abstract and keywords: The first page of the manuscript must contain the title of the article, a short summary of max. 150–200 words, and 4 keywords in alphabetical order. The summary should give a brief presentation of the purpose of the study, methodology, main findings and conclusions. Title, summary and keywords must be available in a Scandinavian language as well as English.
  • Brief: In addition, all articles must have a longer summary (brief) of a maximum of one page. This brief is in addition to the script's maximum length of 8000 words. If the article is written in a Scandinavian language, this summary must be in English. If the article is written in English, the brief must be written in a Scandinavian language.

In separate documents:

  • Numbered figures and tables (each as a separate file)
  • Title page: Submit a separate title page with the following information: title of the article, name(s), title(s) and institution(s) of the author(s) , date, number of words, acknowledgements and funding (if relevant) and a short biography for each author.

All manuscripts are run through Ithenticate in order to detect plagarism. Read more on plagarism here.


The journal accepts articles written in Danish, English, Norwegian or Swedish. Manuscripts must not consist of more than 8000 words (including abstract, reference list, tables and figures).

Articles have to be written in plain Word format, with 1.5 line spacing, and with max. 3 levels of headings:

1) Level 1: Article title in Times New Roman 16 p highlight.

2) Level 2: Headlines in major parts like Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion in Times New Roman 12p highlight.

3) Level 3: Thematic headlines like Contextualization, Interview as a methodology, etc., written in Times New Roman italics 12p.


For all citations, please follow the APA 7 standard:


References should always include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​if applicable. A DOI should be a clickable URL inserted at the end of the reference in the literature list. If you are unsure of the DOI for a given reference, or whether a DOI for the reference is available, you can search for the reference at


  • Figures, tables and illustrations must be included and numbered consecutively in the text.
  • Figures and illustrations must also be attached as separate files in editable format (such as excel).
  • Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals and give each table a short, descriptive heading. Give each column a short or abbreviated heading. Place explanatory matter in footnotes to the table, not in the heading. Explain in the footnotes all non-standard abbreviations used in the table.
  • If data from another published or unpublished source are used, obtain permission and acknowledge fully.
  • Tables should be self-explanatory and understandable without reference to the text of the article.